Captive Risk Transfers
Get that Captive off your mind...and off your balance sheet.
Back when you established your captive, the timing was right and the business case was sound. Today, it's an unnecessary administrative and regulatory hassle that's tying up cash and collateral on your balance sheet. If you want to be liberated from your captive, or would like to investigate solutions that will resolve your risk retention program, it's time to chat with Annapolis Consulting Group (ACG). With its complete line of runoff services and vehicles in place to assume your captive's risk, ACG offers an alternative approach to captive or program closure.
ACG helps companies to run-off or divest themselves entirely of unwanted captives or captive portfolios that have stopped writing new business. ACG's run-off services can alleviate the ongoing administrative costs associated with owning and managing dormant captives, help to free up capital for better uses and reduce director exposure for administering companies whose specialized insurance business is outside the scope of their expertise and comfort zones.
Control the outcome with ACG Insurance Risk Assumption and Run-Off services:
Captive Stock Acquisitions
Captive Risk Assumption
Commutation of Reinsurance
Reinsurance Placement
Run-Off Management
Claims Oversight and Consultation
Litigation Management